Our vision is to continue building a portfolio of Signature properties that have legacy sustainability to produce generational economic benefits to support our business, our people, the communities, and our charitable interests.


With over 100 years of senior management experience, Eidi Properties knows what it takes to successfully operate shopping centers through up and down cycles in real estate, credit market and retailing environments.

We maintain expert in-house capabilities to support all critical real estate services, guided by a hands-on, proactive management style.

In the last two years, we have nearly doubled our commercial real estate holdings.

We have established and continue to maintain excellent relationships with financial institutions to facilitate the financing of our real estate developments and acquisitions. A survivor in a changing market and an innovator in a booming economy, we have prepared for a very successful future.

These strengths enable Eidi Properties to make essential acquisition, development, leasing and financing decisions in a timely manner and in a fashion that is most appropriate for the unique requirements of each investment opportunity.

Although Eidi Properties is poised to enjoy a period of unprecedented, yet carefully managed growth over the next five years, its ultimate goal is to add value to its properties and communities.


Our expertise as an owner, operator and manager of shopping centers, Eidi Properties has the in-house expertise to deliver mission-critical real estate services in each of the following areas:

Leasing– With a keen eye for opportunity and an ear to the ground, we provide national, regional and local tenants with innovative leases and the “right” retail space to grow their businesses.
Acquisitions– As an entrepreneurial investor with long-term perspective, Eidi Properties has successfully acquired a many of shopping centers by meeting timelines, maintaining flexibility and negotiating fairly.
Property Management– Attractive, well managed properties, prompt on-the-ground service and a strong focus on expense control meet the needs of tenants and consumers alike.




Ramy Eidi
Ramy EidiPresident and CEO
Robert Ruiz
Robert RuizVice President and COO
Doug Flick
Doug FlickDirector Of Real Estate
Ryan Buganski
Ryan Buganski Chief Financial Officer
Carol Peatee
Carol PeateeSenior Controller
Robert Sauer
Robert SauerCPA
Tom Nixon
Tom NixonMaintenance Supervisor
Cheryl Burton
Cheryl BurtonPortfolio Manager and Leasing
Whitney Carter
Whitney CarterOffice Administrator and Asst. Controller
Mike Cartell
Mike CartellMarketing Director