
Why Location is Crucial

Here’s the scenario: you have a great business, but it’s difficult to get to. Perhaps you have a great business that is easy to locate, but there is no parking. Or, your business is [...]

Bigger Isn’t Better In The New Age Of CRE

After Sears’ bankruptcy questions abound as to the viability of the commercial real estate landscape. Many investors are wondering, has the digital age made “Big Box” brick and mortar shopping obsolete? The answer is a [...]

Eidi Family $1.5M donation helps ProMedica target demographics, health

Originally from Toledo Blade: Russell Ebeid and Ramy Eidi have a great deal in common. Both men are the sons of Lebanese immigrants, who instilled in them a dedication to education and hard work. Both became [...]

By |July 20th, 2018|Categories: Uncategorized|
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